Roger Mobile Device Manager Mobile App

Roger Mobile Device Manager (RMDM) is an application for mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems used for low-level configuration of selected Roger devices.
  • Roger Mobile Device Manager
    Roger Mobile Device Manager


Roger Mobile Device Manager (RMDM) is an application for mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems used for low-level configuration of selected Roger devices.

Communication between the mobile device and the device being programmed takes place via the transmission in the Bluetooth standard. The application is used during device installation in order to adapt the device to a specific usage scenario and also during its operation.

In the latter case, the program enables the management of autonomous functions offered by a given type of device. The RMDM automatically adapts displayed screens to the device with which the application is currently working.

List of supported devices:


Roger Mobile Device Manager
Mobile application for low-level configuration and maintenance of selected Roger devices


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