User Information

Submitted email address will be placed on marketing subscription list of the ROGER company.
The administrator of your personal data is Roger Sp. z o.o. sp. k. company with its registered office in Gościszewo 59, 82-400 Sztum. Your data will be processed solely for the purpose of marketing newsletter and according to Privacy policy.
You have the right to  revoke consent for the communication with us at any time. You can unsubscribe from the list both using the link in the received newsletter and by sending email to the address info[at]


Technical Subscription
Stay up to date with the latest releases of technical recourses (software, apps, firmware, documentation, etc.), new features, products improvements and technical support.
Marketing Subscription
Stay up to date with the latest releases of new products, changes in the portfolio, publications (brochures, articles, etc.), events and marketing support.

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These cookies are necessary for the correct operation of the website and therefore cannot be disabled on this level; the use of these cookies does not involve the processing of personal data. While you can disable them via your browser settings, doing so may prevent the website from working normally.
These cookies are designed to track the users' web traffic and display advertisements that may be of interest to some users. Cookies may come from third parties and be used by them to profile your preferences. Their operation is subject to the user's consent.
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These cookies are particularly intended to enable the website administrator to monitor the website traffic statistics, as well as the sources of traffic. Such data is typically collected anonymously.
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